病気と闘う子供たちと家族を応援する ソーシャルプロジェクト
2017年 J300アワード 特別賞受賞

Have you ever heard about CV catheters? Children with cancer in most of the cases have to implant CV catheters in their bodies in order to treat their digestive disorder or heart disease by their long-term chemical treatment such as IVH (Intravenous Hyperalimentation) or TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition). It is however not easy for children to get used to wearing the such medical instruments all the time. Especially for children, they need to implant a longer catheter compared to adults into their body, which is extremely uncomfortable for them. Some children feel so itchy that they scratch where the tubes come out of their body, which can cause infection, and they can't stand it and pull it out from their body.
Therefore, in Japan each medical institution recommends to use CV catheter cover, but parents must make this cover on their own since this cover is not available on the market.
It is very natural for parents that they feel anxious and nervous when their children start very critical treatment, and it is also difficult for them to find time to sew the cover. Based on our own experience as mothers of children with cancer, we would like to help the mothers who are currently in the same situation as we used to. We wish our products can help them and give them more quality time with their children. We also really wish our products can cheer up the children during the long therapy, so we design them for children to feel like they are wearing an accessory. We really want to provide help to children with a serious sickness and their parents a little comfort, wishing them to get better. We are making our products like good luck charms, sewing every stich with our sincere wish.

gold ribbon
Mammies Hours